Nourish your terrain and reach your health goals.

At Terrain Natural Medicine

We are here to help you live to your fullest potential by guiding the body through transparency, empowerment, open communication, and mutual respect.

We believe that by using the principles of natural medicine, you should be healthy in your most natural state.

What makes Terrain Natural Medicine Different

Are you tired of an impersonal, uncaring and broken health care system?
Are you unsure of the steps to take to be healthy?

Maybe you’ve already tried making diet changes, adding nutritional supplements or exercising more but you feel like it has not made enough or lasting change. You might be discouraged and overwhelmed by the amount of wellness information available online. Maybe you’re worried you might still be feeling this way years down the road.

At Terrain Natural Medicine, we help our patients understand the underlying cause of your symptoms. Our proven education-based lifestyle programs help you reach better health and greater vitality so you can be more present in your life and enjoy more quality time with you loved ones.

Your journey to optimal health starts here.

Schedule a Discovery Call

Book your Discovery Call to learn more about our approach, what we can accomplish, and how this experience can bring you lasting health, joy and freedom.

Wellness Evaluation

Our practitioners will set aside a full hour of time to meet with you in-person or virtually to dive deeper into your health history and review any recent lab work you have done. With that information, we will create your customized wellness.

Commit & Transform

Congratulations! Achieved by so many others like you, our team of experts will empower you throughout your unique program to guide you to optimal health. Working together, we will execute the plan, restore your health, and help you thrive.

Meet the Founders of Terrain

  • My goal is to help you feel better so you can live the life you want. In order to do that well, I want to hear your story. I have the medical training to assess and diagnose and treat you but it’s the art of medicine that will really help me guide your body to lasting health. I want to listen to how you got to be where you are and to understand your experience.

    This will help me individualize your care and develop a plan that suits you, your needs and who you are, as a whole. Period. Now, let's get you feeling better!

  • I believe that you have the right to experience freedom within your own body, however that looks and feels to you.

    My dog is my world, I spend as much time as I can in the outdoors (preferably climbing rocks), believe in the power of community and honest conversations, consider movement as a form of medicine (be it stretching, walking, or running), and am driven by both my love for the natural world, and hope for what naturopathic medicine can bring to not only your life, but the world at large.

Ways to Work With Us

  • When we work appointment-by-appointment, it’s more of a pay as you go style of care and we determine how frequently we will meet during your first visit. Click here to learn more.

  • Our programs are more intensive periods of time for us to work together to really make significant changes in your health and your life. We include curriculum to learn skills to care for yourself that will support you long beyond your program.

    We will meet more frequently during that time to make sure you have the care you need to be accountable and have a deep understanding of everything we’re doing. There is a significant discount in bundling services in a program. Click here to learn more.

  • Did you know we have membership options? They’re a great option if you know you’re going to be checking in with us monthly, every couple months or even quarterly and they include discounts! Plans start at $56 per month. Click here to learn more.

  • Determining which path of care is best for you happens in a conversation with your provider and based on your goals and what is realistic for your life currently. We want your plan to be as sustainable and appropriate for you as it can be.

    If you’re unsure what option is best for you, we recommend starting with a complimentary discovery call to discuss what you have going on and have your questions answered. Click here to schedule or call the clinic: 541-797-0013.