Holiday Tips to Keep Balanced

By Dr Kelcie Rosendahl & Dr Emily Wiggins

Practice saying no.

Most of the people we work with are fairly sensitive and don’t have limitless energy to do all the things for everyone all of the time.

Before committing to gatherings or tasks that are being asked of you, take a moment to run it through your system and decide if that this going to be nourishing or just too much for you.

Protect your energy.

The holidays might present opportunities to be around more people and family than you are used to. Take a few minutes before entering those situations to ground yourself and even consider visualizing a golden egg of light surrounding you that will be the filter for what you allow to come into your field and keep out the things that you know won’t serve you.

We love Yarrow Environmental Solution flower essence as a little bonus to keep you safe in environments that might shake you up.

Sparkling Water.

So simple. You do not have to drink all the drinks at all the parties just because they are there. Make a plan before you go with how much you would like to consume and stick to it.

Thankfully it’s becoming more common and accepted to drink less or not at all in our society. Sparkling water, NA beers and mocktails are generally available anywhere you’re headed so keep that in mind as you go into this rigorous holiday celebration season.

Plan your meals.

This is helpful in general year-round but while you should be able to enjoy the delicious foods that come with this season, having a little plan can keep you working towards your heal goals in spite of it.

If you’re going to a holiday party that night, make sure you have a super well-balanced lunch earlier in the day and even consider a protein-rich snack before heading towards the party. That way your blood sugar will stay more balanced and you will have at least had some vegetables and nutrient dense foods included in your day.

Prep your gut.

In the same vein as holiday meals and foods that you might not be used to the rest of year, digestive bitters or a digestive enzyme before those foods will help your body handle them better. These products get your digestive juices flowing and help your body prepare to receive food as optimally as possible. That way you can have your cake and not pay for it (as much) later.

Keep warm.

This time of year is chillier and allowing yourself to get cold or exposing yourself to wind without proper covering can set you immune system up with a disadvantage.

Wear the hat, scarf, wool socks, etc to help your body keep warm and your immune system up as you deal with the activities and fun of this season.

Practice Presence and Gratitude.

It’s easy to get caught up in the to-dos of this season and miss some of the magic.

A couple deep breaths here and feeling your feet on the earth there can really help you have a moment of perspective and peace amidst the chaos. This is helpful for your nervous system and your sanity.

Schedule Your Self-Care.

Time for you will likely be the first thing that drops off the list when things get busy. Put it on your schedule and make appointments for it ahead of time and hold yourself accountable. Having a buddy involved can be especially helpful!

Create your reality.

Traditions abound during the holidays…AND you also get to decide how things are done in your life and family.

If something doesn’t feel right or if you’re over getting more toys that will just clutter up your house and give you more work, make a change. Set the ground rules for what you want and how you would like your holidays to work and let them be known. Your needs are valid and only you get to create the life you desire.

Keep up with your movement routines.

Just like self-care, movement can take the back seat during the holidays. This can seriously affect how you feel in your body and create some restlessness that can also affect your presence with your people and community. It’s also so important for your mental health.

If you’re traveling, check out a studio/gym in the area you’re going or tune into some online classes to keep you moving.


Make sure you have some downtown and rest when you can. This season will be over before we know it and you want to come out the other end feeling cup overflow-eth. Not depleted. The to-dos are endless but your energy is not. Take some time each day to have some downtime. You’ll thank us later!


Holiday Gift Guide


Supporting Healthy Immune Function: Lifestyle Basics